
Viktor Giacobbo
Comedian & Presenter

Factory farming is institutionalized animal cruelty to produce inferior meat products. I therefore support the initiative, even as an occasional meat eater.

Thomas Meyer

Factory farming should be abolished because it is a crime against life.

Anja Zeidler
Influencer & Author

Even understanding that one would rather not look at factory farms, it is incomprehensible to me that they were not abolished long ago.

Anna Rossinelli
Singer & Songwriter

We urgently need to regain the awareness that meat consumption is something special and that is should not be an everyday occurrence. Whoever eats meat should do it with moderation.

Martina Munz
National Councillor, Social Democrats

Factory farming is not compatible with a diverse and rural agriculture. It pollutes water bodies by importing animal feed and, by means of fattening sheds, disintegrates the landscape.

Frank Baumann
Bestselling Author & Director

Even just the idea of caging animals in masses on large farms seems inhumane to me.

Melanie Winiger
Actress & Presenter

I am against factory farming because every living creature deserves to see the sky.

Daniel Jositsch
Council of State, Social Democrats

Factory farming degrades animals to products and thus denies their claim to dignity. But animals are not mere things and should therefore not be treated as such.

Other ambassadors

Nils Althaus
Cabaret artist & Actor

Animals have almost everything we have: brains, the ability to suffer, a social life. But one thing they do not have – a voice. We must be their voice.

Anna Rosenwasser
Activist & Author

Petting my cat in the morning, watching cute dog videos in the afternoon and eating meat from factory farms in the evening? What a strange way of life that would be.

Petra Ivanov
Writer & Journalist

Animal husbandry in Switzerland is becoming more and more intensive. While a house-cat has the right to retreat according to law, farmed animals may stand densely crowded in the dark.

Richard David Precht
Philosopher & Publicist

I support the initiative to abolish factory farming in Switzerland with all my heart and with a clear mind. Factory farming no longer belongs in our time.

Anna Känzig
Singer & Songwriter

Nobody can support factory farming. I would be proud and relieved if, without exception, there were no more factory farms in Switzerland.

Katy Winter
Singer & Songwriter

There is no animal-friendly way of doing factory farming. This disrespect for animals should be abolished.

Zoë Pastelle
Influencer & Actress

Keeping, using and killing animals is based on the principle of the right of the mighty one. Therefore, the initiative is an important step on the way to a more peaceful future.

Gülsha Adilji
Journalist & Presenter

There is no argument for industrial animal husbandry but there is an almost infinite number of arguments against it. We should use all means to resist the current system.

Nora Wilhelm
CEO collaboratio helvetica

Factory farming can only exist behind closed doors. In the 21st century we can expect more from ourselves. It is time that we start living in harmony with our values!

Hanna Herbst
Journalist & Author

No sunlight, no proximity, no life. We create a deep divide between humans and animals and we don’t question it because sausage tastes so good.

Chris von Rohr
Musician & Author

A society is defined by how it treats its animals and that is why we should support the initiative. It is long overdue.

Heinz Lüthi
Writer & Comedian

Industrially produced meat from factory farming contradicts all ethical principles.


Factory farming is cruelty to animals, and I don’t want to have anything to do with that. That is why I support the initiative to abolish factory farming.

Martin Skalsky

People change the environment in their favor. Factory farming is just one of the consequences of this. I hope it will soon be a thing of the past – for the benefit of all living beings.

Anina Mutter
Influencer & Author

I support the initiative because factory farming completely ignores the dignity of animals and is simply not an option.

Priska Baur
Agricultural Economist ZHAW

The initiative is a step on the way to a sustainable food culture. It is also an opportunity for Swiss agriculture to position itself internationally.

Jaël Malli

Factory farming is inhumane. Period. We know that there is another way! So there are no reasons good enough to question the necessity of these changes.

Sibylle Berg
Writer & Playwright

With this initiative we protect ourselves from climate collapse and from having to ask ourselves whether a few minutes of pleasure justify acting against any compassion towards living beings.

Richard Kägi

Meat is considered a human right by most. But actually, it should be a duty to enable animals to live as naturally and stress-free as possible.

Florian Habermacher
Business Journalist & Economist

For animals, as creatures whose well-being interests all of us, a minimum standard as a social regulation is economically efficient and reasonable.

Nora Jäggi
Swiss champion in weightlifting

Factory farming should be abolished in Switzerland because animals are sensitive creatures and do not deserve to be reduced to a product.

Rolf Lappert

No animal should be caged, fattened and killed just so that people have meat on their plates.


The initiative launched by the association Sentience Politics is supported by the following organizations (list will be continuously updated):

Other organizations

Initiative Committee

The following people form the initiative committee:

  • Gabrielle Brunner, Veterinarian
  • Noemi Erig
  • Marcela Frei, Aktionsgemeinschaft Schweizer Tierversuchsgegner
  • Bastien Girod, National Councillor, Green Party
  • Nadja Graber
  • Thomas Gröbly, Owner of the Ethik-Labor and author
  • Sarah Heiligtag, Association Hof Narr
  • Verena Hofer, Aktionsgemeinschaft Schweizer Tierversuchsgegner
  • Philipp Hoppen, Tier im Fokus
  • Hansuli Huber, Swiss Animal Protection
  • Pablo Labhardt, Animal Rights Switzerland
  • Ivo Mändli, Sentience Politics
  • Adrian Marmy
  • Céline Müller
  • Raphael Neuburger, Vegane Gesellschaft Schweiz
  • Kim Rösner
  • Philipp Ryf, Sentience Politics
  • Valentin Salzgeber, Sentience Politics
  • Meret Schneider, Sentience Politics
  • Mike Stadelmann
  • Katerina Stoykova, Tier im Recht
  • Fabien Truffer, Pour l’Égalité Animale (PEA)
  • Reto Walther, Sentience Politics
  • Vera Weber, Fondation Franz Weber
  • Yasmine Wenk, Four Paws
  • Markus Wild, Professor of Philosophy, University of Basel